Feelancers Union's coronavirus response
COVID-19 Resources
Resources for accessing government relief and advocating for freelancers
Learn MoreFreelancers Relief Fund
Freelancers Union's fund to support freelancers impacted by COVID-19
Donate NowMember Survey
Tell us how coronavirus has impacted you and whether you have accessed relief
Take our surveyFeelancers Union
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Learn MoreWhen freelancers come together, we win
Freelance Isn't Free
In 2017, Freelancers Union successfully campaigned for New York City’s landmark legislation against nonpayment.
Know Your RightsPolitical Voice
We produce extensive research that influences policy on behalf of 56.7 million freelancers across the United States.
Get The FactsInsurance
Enrollment for health insurance has reopened in response to COVID-19. Sign up for plans today.
Find Out MoreFeelancers Union
It's the economy, smarty.
Freelancers aren’t just shaping the future of work, they are the backbone of the economy. More than one in three Americans freelanced last year, and in five years, the independent workforce grew by 7%.
Americans freelanced last year
hours Americans spend freelancing each week
contributed annually to the economy by freelancing
Meet your freelance community
Feelancers Union
We are proud to offer accident insurance through Trupo, which is led by Freelancers Union’s founder, Sara Horowitz and partially owned by Freelancers Union.
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